Congregational Retreat

Woody Nook Christian Reformed Church’s vision is to be “a multi-generational community, desiring to continually draw closer to our Triune God, walking together through life’s journey, and blessing our neighbours in tangible ways.” In short, we are “Rooted in Christ and Growing in Grace.” This vision shaped our ministry plans for programming and staffing at that time. As time goes on, and things change, it is important to reevaluate our plans and see how our methods may need to shift in order to stay true to the mission God has placed before us. 

This process is guided by the following: Given that the church is called to equip the people of God to do what God is calling them to do, and we are all called to grow as disciples in the three rhythms of discipleship; deepening our relationships with God, with each other, and with the surrounding community, how should we structure our staffing and ministry?

The congregational retreat on Feb 4, 2023, 9am-4pm is another opportunity to continue this discernment together, build on some of the ideas we have already presented, and start to narrow down our focus for further discussion. In addition to worship and prayer, the day will be split into four relatively equal sessions, with a mix of large and small group activities and discussions.

1) Gain a shared understanding of our goals, the things that help us move in that direction, and the things that may hold us back.
2) Explore and build on some of the ideas presented at the Council retreat (or any others).
3) Evaluate some of the ideas presented by trying to determine what might make them fail.
4) Wrap up the day and begin to narrow down the ideas for further exploration.

You can see the progress report of this process below, if you want to have more information about some of the ideas that have already been presented.

Lunch will be potluck-style. Please bring something to share–a dish, salad, soup, buns–whatever works for you!

We hope to see you there!


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