People of any age are welcome to come and participate in making an Advent wreath on Sunday, November 26 from 6-7 pm in the church fellowship hall.
All the supplies for the wreath will be available for $25 (wreath, candles, wire, greens, devotional) so you can take home the wreath and begin walking this visible journey of Advent in your home the 4 weeks before Christmas Day. To pay for the supplies, bring cash to the event or e-transfer (please put Advent Wreath and your family name in the memo).
Christmas goodies will be there to enjoy as well!
Please join us as individuals and families as we prepare for the Christmas season.
In order to have enough supplies, please sign up before November 20 by registering here:
We also would love to have you stay for a family friendly hymn sing from 7-8 pm in the sanctuary.
If you have any questions, please email the church office at