6 Words: Explorations Towards a Healthier Community

You are invited to a 4-week exploration that follows up on our fall 2021 study sessions on the CRC’s Human Sexuality Report.  Through a series of video conversations between Pastors Neil deKoning and Peter Rockhold, we will focus on : How do we move forward or perhaps change direction as we envision what a healthy church community could look like in the middle of living in a world  that struggles with prejudice, shame,  loneliness, desire, idolatry and how to be hospitable. The videos are an invitation to discuss and engage on broad topics introduced by the HSR, but not limited to that document.   These sessions will be of interest both to people who participated last fall as well as those who missed the first set of discussions. 

Dates: Thursdays: February 17, 24, March 3, 10

Time: 7-9 pm 

Where: At Woody Nook CRC

Please email woodynookcrc@gmail.com  and register before February 17 so that we can plan well. When you register, you will be sent a link to the videos and questions  if you want to prepare before the meetings. However, it is not necessary to watch the videos beforehand if that is not possible for you. Just show up at the meetings! Link to videos: http://www.classisalbertanorth.ca