We don’t pretend life is easy, and you don’t have to pretend you have it all together. We all go through hard times and need the support of others.
Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ
Galations 6:2 NRSV
Caring Touch
Have you recently had a baby? Recovering from illness or surgery? Or a senior feeling housebound? Our caring touch team would be happy to reach out and connect with you.

Stephen Ministries
Stephen Ministers are ordinary people in our community who have been equipped to provide high-quality, confidential, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting. They can’t promise to have all the answers, but they can promise their focused support. Please Contact Us to Connect with a Stephen Minister.
Becoming a Stephen Minister is a life transforming experience — an opportunity to serve God, help others, and grow in faith.
If you are interested in serving as a Stephen’s Ministry Leader or a Stephen’s Minister we will provide you with the necessary training to equip you to provide high-quality, Christ-centered care to people who are hurting.
Throughout the year we host a variety of informal and formal learning opportunities. Topics are geared at helping us better understand and care for ourselves and those around us. Past sessions have included the marriage course, financial peace university, mental health, first aid, abuse, healing and the role of the church, as well as many more. Check the events calendar for upcoming adult education classes.

Pastoral Care
Whatever you’re going through or however you are feeling, know you are not alone. Our pastors are available to provide comfort, counsel, prayer, a listening ear, encouragement and friendship. To contact one of the pastors please use the form below (all information is kept confidential and sent only the the pastors). Once the form is recieved one of our pastors will reach out to you. If you require additional support, or are experiencing a crisis or emergency please follow the links below.