CANCELLED – Worship Services

UPDATE: At this time, all upcoming worship services are cancelled until further notice.

In light of COVID-19 Alberta Health recommendations, the Sunday service on March 15 is cancelled.

We as leadership at Woody Nook came to this decision after much conversation with doctors and medical professionals in our community, thought, and discernment. As leadership, we will be meeting on Wednesday to reassess and discuss ways to do ministry and care for one another during this time. Please keep your eye on the bridge, the website, Facebook and Instagram for further announcements about ministry in the upcoming week. While this may seem a bit soon given the threat level in Alberta, we feel it is wisest to err on the side of caution. We encourage you to still set aside some time on Sunday to pray, read scripture and discuss it with your family or a few others in your area. We trust God will still speak to you there. 

Please note: 

·      At this time other ministries (Gems, CATCH, morning break, etc) will continue as normal. But please follow all Alberta Health guidelines and if you are sick or recently travelled out of country refrain from coming.

– Though the recommendation to cease gathering from AHS excludes places of worship, because our services usually include more than 250 people and many people over the age of 65, we find it is wisest at this time to cancel to keep our elderly members and those with compromised immune systems safe, as well as for the public good. We recognize when we leave the church doors our community travels far and wide across central AB and we want to help limit the scope and spread of the virus. 

·      We as a God’s people know God gives us the gifts of government, science and medicine and so though we trust God’s care, we also know wisdom is found in these other places and listening to their recommendations is important.

Pastorally we want to say:

·      We still reject fear, racism and stockpiling which run counter to the Christian story—don’t forget to share resources, to connect, to care safely for those who need it. At this time the way of Jesus to love your neighbors as yourself is more important than ever. 

·      If you need care (emotionally, financially, spiritually, for your marriage/parenting, or practically like getting groceries, rides, or getting to safety) during this time, please reach out to the pastors, elders and deacons.

·      Continue to meet in small groups or in care groups—use technology to connect, good hygiene and follow AHS health recommendations.  

Pastor Dayna and Pastor Chad will be providing some videos and resources in the upcoming week, so stay tuned for those gems. Grace and peace to you all.