A Note about COVID-19 & Woody Nook

As we continue to listen to the ongoing stories of COVID-19 around the world, we as a community want to respond with a balance of rejecting fear and racism which run counter to the Christian story and with the recognition of taking responsible action when necessary for the benefit of those who are vulnerable.

UPDATE: AT THIS TIME, ALL CHURCH EVENTS ARE CANCELLED. Keeping that in mind, we want to ask that when you attend church and church events you practice smart hygiene—wash your hands thoroughly (with soap for 20 seconds), avoid touching your face while at church, and staying home if you are experiencing a cough or feverPlease also follow Canadian guidelines for self-quarantine for 14 days if you’ve travelled outside the country. If you are a volunteer and experiencing illness please find someone to sub for you. 

UPDATE: AT THIS TIME TIME, WORSHIP SERVICES ARE CANCELLED. For the next period of weeks, we’ll be asking our greeters to offer waves instead of handshakes, we’ll be collecting the offering at the door and we may make some appropriate changes to our worship services when needed. 

Given our call as Christians to protect and care for those who are vulnerable, if you’re wondering how you might respond with the peace of Christ in this season, perhaps you could keep an eye on and pray for those who are most at risk. This could include those who might struggle to access health care or food, friends with weakened immune systems, the elderly, those with recent surgeries, and supporting businesses and people who are being excluded as a result of the virus and where it started.